Project Overview
As a family owned and operated business, Cafeco aims to facilitate an accessible user-friendly online purchasing experience for its customers on top of providing homemade style dishes for the neighborhood.
Mock up for cafe gif
Aiding the User Centered approach, there were certain factors that needed to be addressed while designing the Cafeco app: 
User Needs
User Needs Points
Customizing orders (specially for allergy concerns).
User Needs Points
Sharing favorite items with their contact list.
User Needs Points
Smoother curbside pick up experience for the customers.
Business Needs
Business Needs Points
Designing an accessible user-friendly native mobile app.
Business Needs Points
Easy payment and ordering process.
Picture Representing User and Business needs
Duration Icon
5 Weeks
Team Icon
Group of 2
Role Icon
UX/ UI Designer
Software Icon
Devices Icon
About Cefeco
Cafeco is a mobile-first user experience that not only benefits the users by providing fresh ingredients and customizable options but also by adding the brand new curbside feature and time estimation section for the pickups. Now both regular and novice users of the café can rely on the cozy environment of Cafeco to focus and get their work done while enjoying spending their rewards and offering points on yummy beverages and fresh goodies.
Problem Statement
Problem Statement Points
Time consumption for picking up the products.
Problem Statement Points
Customizing technique for food concerns (vegan, allergy alerts, health factors, nutrition factors).
Problem Statement Points
Keeping track of the rewards and offers within the app environment.
Picture Representing Problem Statement
Having responsive native mobile approach this project has been covered within three different zones: Understanding The UserStarting The Design and Refining The Design.
Stages will be thoroughly covered:
Process Cafeco
Understanding User
User Research Icon
User Research
Creating Persona Icon
Creating Persona
User Journey Map Icon
User Journey Map
Competitive Analysis Icon
Competitive Analysis
Site Map Icon
Site Map
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​User Research
User Research Points
9 individuals as research audience
User Research Points
67% of them were females 
User Research Points
Among the participants 56% were employed having a full time job
User Research Points
Same audience preferred to spend less than 10 minutes of their time buying goods in person!
“ The primary user group was full-time working adults with a busy life style who are looking for a user-friendly straight- forward app to fulfill their purchasing needs.”
Leading Stat Cafeco
Persona Creation Cafeco
User Journey Map Cafeco
Competitive Analysis
To learn more about Cafecos’ competitors and the vital factors that could aid having a unique local cafés’ app for both loyal and novice customers, 4 café applications and their work flows were analyzed. To understand how designing a mobile-first information architecture and its features work here are some of the results:
Major Takeaways:
The only close competitor of Cafeco is Timhortons. Based on the surveys done with Timhortons’ users their online services can’t be always reliable. Cafeco is a local platform while Timhortons is a franchised Café business.
Picture Representing Competitive Analysis Cafeco
Competitive Analysis Cafeco
What outcomes do we want to see?
After running back to back interview and survey sessions and understanding the users, their problems and needs, we went through several hours of brainstorming on how we can respond to their concerns. These are the critical possible solutions that we came up with:
Saving time

Busy users with their hectic life-style can save time aiding an online time tracker for their purchases and an automated curbside pickup method.
Item customizability 
Integrating a customized option for most of the products within a local platform satisfies novice users as well as the loyal ones.

Customers want to be able to share their cart items with their loved ones and make it a fun experience for their family/ friends; therefore, using the “share icon” on each product will deliver such an experience.
Less to no use of hand 
In the post-COVID-19 era less to no use of hand would be ideal for customers and a user-friendly app with an easy user flow, simplified interfaces, and no restricting features and elements that don't support user needs can make this possible.
​​​​​​​​Site Map
Based on the thorough user research, I then utilized my idea of a site map and Cafeco.s’ site map was built:
Picture Representing Site Map Cafeco
Site Map Cafeco
Starting Design
Paper Wireframing Icon
Paper Wireframing (Low- fi)
Digital Wireframing Icon
Digital Wireframing (Mid-fi)
Usability Studies Icon
Usability Studies
​​​​​​​​Paper Wireframing (Low-fi)
During the wireframing session I have tried to iterate several versions for each page and based on practicality and user-friendliness narrowed down my options to the targeted designs.
Picture Representing Paper Wireframing
Paper Wireframing Cafeco
Digital Wireframing (Mid-fi)
To better address the pain points and resolve challenges the customers face, the low- fidelity sketches have been translated into a digital form of mid-fidelity wireframes in Figma.
For presenting what we discovered as critical information on the Landing Page, Navigation bar and other pages and getting prepared for usability testing the grey scale of the wireframes have been used.
Through this phase, several rounds of iteration have been performed before the final content was developed.
Picture Representing Digital Wireframing
Digital Wireframing Cafeco Digital Wireframing Explanation cafe
Usability Test
After conducting an unmoderated usability test among 5 participants for the Cafeco. app; there were certain pain points that caught my attention which could potentially lead to a less pleasant experience for the users, among those, below were the main key findings:
Usability testing screen Cafeco
Usability Test Description Cafeco
Refining The Design
Mood Board Icon
UI Kit Icon
UI Kit
Usability Test Icon
Usability Test
High and Mock up Icon
High-Fi Prototype & Mockups
Mood Board
In order to pick up the right color pallet that matches the aesthetic of Cafeco I mostly got inspiration from cozy and vintage cafés as well as the nature.
Mood Board Cafeco
Branding & Design (UI Kit)
As part of refreshing the app, we created the design system of Cafeco which encompasses the colors used in the app, typography, dimension of the icons, buttons and input fields , borders, gradients and overlays.
Picture Representing branding and Design
Usability Test
Cafeco.s’ iterated mock up was tested once again under an unmoderated usability test (5Ws & H) among 4 users and this time the impacts were promising!
Picture Representing Usability Test
Simple approach for Typography
Using one single typeface while having different fonts and sizes within pages helped users to deal with a less cluttered screen which was more user-friendly, minimalistic and at the same time created a better hierarchy and clarity within the app flow.
Real backgrounds for products in action
In order to convey the coziness and local atmosphere of Cafeco, I took advantage of having real backgrounds for each product in action. This boosted the uniqueness of Cafeco compared to franchised options!
Pop up pages

Earlier in the design, inaccurate placement of pop ups was confusing most of the users. Now, for having an easier navigation within the pages of Cafeco, I tried to engage less pop ups and only within the ordering pages to make my audience more engaged and the interactions less complicated.
Accessibility in customizing orders

Aiding choice chips with check boxes within them that can horizontally be scrolled, facilitated customizing process for ordering different products. 
Common and familiar Iconography
Cafecos’ design system not only easily conveys the story but also saves in time while navigating through the application. 
Digital Prototyping (High-Fi)
Within this flow, now users can: 
Digital Prototyping Points
Easily order their target items.
Digital Prototyping Points
Navigate within the app quickly.
Digital Prototyping Points
Benefit from various features the app is offering:
a. Loyalty points
b. Sharing their favorite items with their contact list
c. Customizing their orders
d. Checking out simple and fast
Mock up for cafe gif
Interactive Prototype Cafeco
Working on a localized product that not only has its way through loyal customers’ heart but also wants to attract more novice users, was a tricky undertaking; however, it soon escalated to revealing new ways to utilize the information and mold it into an interactive prototype.
Reflection Points
Satisfying the urge for having a more functional local café in growing towns. 
Reflection Points
Empowering the local businesses which will simultaneously benefit the users having high quality goods in hand. 
Where to go from here
Due to time constraints a number of tasks have been paused that could potentially be addressed next: 
Where to go from here points
Incorporating new accessibility features for the senior users to better facilitate the delivery experience.
Where to go from here points
Continuing to bring transparency and trust to the forefront for new students who have recently moved into the town. 
What I would do differently
Iterate, improve and test all over again 
Looking back to the valuable feedback received from our low-fidelity prototype, I would spend more time to document different versions of our iterations and cope mindfully with unexpected changes and client expectations. In that way, I could be having a much smoother flow for show casing the iterations of the app.
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